
Hi ,

So far this year I've been quiet - allowing inspirations to settle before taking action with new ideas. My goal is to continue to help those who seek greater expansion, more alignment, and bigger breakthroughs leading to a more preferred reality.

One inspiration is to launch a new YouTube/Podcast series where guests (possibly you?) are invited to spend 30 minutes with me so I can help them experience a big personal breakthrough.

This is similar to the "5 Questions" series I did on YouTube a few years ago - which I may add as a segment in this series as well (watch an episode here).

Before launching this initiative I'd love to get a feel of your interest level - and more importantly what YOU think would be most beneficial for you in a podcast or YouTube series.

Would you tune in? Would you enjoy learning by witnessing others experiencing breakthroughs? Would you like to be featured in this series as a guest to experience a breakthrough (no cost)?

Click here and let me know! (this will take less than 60 seconds to complete)

Excited about the idea and want to be one of our first guests to experience a breakthrough? I've created an application form and will be shooting 5-10 episodes over the coming weeks (these may or may not be used in the series if I move forward).

click here to apply

PS - If you get those butterflies of excitement, don't let your inner critic try and hold you back using fear - click that link and apply!

I appreciate you for being here, for doing this work - by working on you you are creating positive ripple effects for not only yourself, but for the vibration of the entire planet and those around you.

Wishing you a magic filled weekend,

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